GK Question Paper 18

Q.1 The evaporation of water takes place from the leaves of the plants. The process is called
A. Evaporation
B. Transpiration
C. Dehumidification
D. Fumigation

Ans: B

Q.2 Which climatic region has the least temperature range?
A. Equatorial region
B. Monsoon region
C. Tropical region
D. Tundra region
Ans: D

Q.3 The relative atomic masses of many elements are not whole numbers because -
A. elements are mixtures of isotopes.
B. elements are mixtures of isobars.
C. elements have fractional absolute masses.
D. all elements are not in gaseous state.
Ans: A

Q.4 One of the possible reasons for the absence of pompous buildings in the Harappan cities was -
A. Low living standard of the Harappan people.
B. absence of class distinction in the Harappan society.
C. absence of a monarchical system of government.
D. scarcity of requisite material necessary for their construction.
Ans: C

Q.5 Which of the following is not a characteristic tool of the Neolithic Age
A. Celts or Polished Axe
B. Handaxe
C. Ring Stone
D. Saddle Quern
Ans: B

Q.6 Jawaharlal Nehru considered the following as the suitable pattern of economy for India ?
A. Capital economy
B. Socialist economy
C. Mixed economy
D. Liberal economy
Ans: B

Q.7 Which part of the plant evaporates water?
A. Stomata.
B. Fruit.
C. Branch.
D. Root.
Ans: A
Ans: A

Q.8 Copper obtained from copper pyrite is called blister copper. Gas responsible for the formation of blister is
A. CO2
C. NO2
D. SO2
Ans: D (Cu2s + O2 »» SO2 + 2 Cu)

Q.9 The process of separating suspended impurities from water is known as
A. Loading
B. Unloading
C. Distillation
D. Demineralisation
Ans: C

Q.10 A magnetic field line
A. is the path along which a free north pole tend to move
B. is the path along which a free iron particle tends to move
C. is the path along which a magnetic needle tends to move
D. is the path along which a line is traced
Ans: C

Q.11 A 1000w heater is used every day for 90 minutes. This heater will consume units of electrical energy in 30 days
A. 45 units
B. 90 units
C. 30 units
D. 60 units
Ans: A

Q.12 If the diameter of the earth becomes two times its present value and its mass remains unchanged, then the weight of an object on the surface of the earth becomes
A. one eighth
B. one fourth
C. half
D. remains same
Ans: B

Q.13 There is no atmosphere on the moon because
A. it is close to the earth
B. it revolves around the earth
C. its acceleration due to gravity is low
D. its acceleration due to gravity is high
Ans: C

Q.14 If the mass of both the bodies is reduced to half. The gravitational force between them becomes
A. Double
B. Four times
C. One fourth
D. one-half
Ans: C

Q.15 Which colour component of white light is deviated the most through a prism ?
A. Red
B. Yellow
C. Blue
D. Violet
Ans: D

Q.16 Who was Pliny?
A. A poet who wrote on the history of India
B. A warrior King who settled in Afghanistan
C. A Roman scholar who mentioned India as a trading nation trading with the Roman empire
D. All the above
Ans: B

Q.17 The Buland Darwaza was built to
A. Celebrate the birth of the heir to the throne of Agra
B. Commemorate the conquest of Gujarat
C. Honour the Chishti saints
D. All of the above
Ans: B

Q.18 The name of the regent who reigned for Akbar was
A. Humayun
B. Babur
C. Bayram Khan
D. Salim
Ans: C

Q.19 The Gateway of India, the India Gate and the Teen Murti were built
A. To welcome George V, to honour the war fatalities of the Indian army, fatalities in the First World War respectively
B. To welcome the English King, to welcome the English Viceroy, to welcome the Prince of Wales respectively
C. To honour the English Queen Victoria, to celebrate the victory in the First World War and to honour those slain in the Second World War respectively
D. none of these
Ans: A

Q.20 The strength of the Mughal imperial system lay in
A. Its harsh laws
B. The mansabdari system
C. Its ability to be paternalistic
D. The cooperation extended to it by other Indian rulers

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