GK Question Paper 26

Q.1 The metal used to recover copper from a solution of copper sulphate is ...
A. Na
B. Ag
C. Hg
D. Fe

Ans: D

Q.2 खानवां का युद्ध बाबर और .........के बीच 1527 में हुआ था ?
A. सूरजमल
B. सांगा
C. कुम्भा
D. प्रताप
Ans: B

Q.3 "भारत का पेरिसकिसे कहा जाता है ?
A. जयपुर
B. अजमेर
C. दिल्ली
D. बनारस
Ans: A

Q.4 सिकंदर ने भारत पर आक्रमण कब किया था ?
A. 320 BC
B. 320
C. 500 BC
D. 700
Ans: A

Q.5 Which of the following movements were led by Mahata Gandhi ?
A. Champaran Movement
B. Salt satyagraha
C. Quit India Movement
D. Tebhaga Movement
Select the correct Answer using the code given below:
A. 2,3
B. 2,3,4
C. 1 and 4 Only
D. 1,2 and 3
Ans: D

Q.6 Which one among the following food crops is NOT categorized under "Millets" ?
A. Ragi
B. Wheat
C. Bajra
D. Jowar
Ans: B

Q.7 Which god or goddess's birthday is celebrated on the eighth day of 'Krishna Paksh' of the month of 'Bhado' ?
A. Rama
B. Krishna
C. Ganesha
D. Durga
Q.8  The largest producer of tea in the world is-
A. China
B. Sri Lanka
C. India
D. Pakistan
Ans: C

Q.9 Which instrument is used to measure the density of milk ? 

A. Altimeter
B. Seismometer
C. Lactometer
D. Odometer
Ans: C

Q.10 Which of the following terms is used in the game of Badminton ?
A. Hoops
B. Tee
C. Oropshot
D. Stroke

Ans: D

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