SBI PO: Marketing Quiz

Q1. Customer’s Relationship with the Bank is influenced by -
(1) Customer’s attitudes 
(2) Attitude of bank staff 
(3) Attitudes of salesperson 
(4) Good service 
(5) All of these

Q2. Delivery channel other than Bank counters are-
(1) ATM’s 
(2) Internet Banking 
(3) Mobile Banking 
(4) Tele Banking 
(5) All of the above

Q3. The Sequence of a sales process is - 
(1) Lead generation, call, presentation & sale 
(2) Sales, presentation, lead generation, call
(3) Lead generation, call, sale & presen tation 
(4) There is no sequence required
(5) None of these

Q4. Automated Teller machines (ATMs) are innovation for the banking industry. In terms of the service industry this is an innovation in the – element of the marketing mix. 
(1) Pricing
(2) Promotion
(3) Distribution 
(4) Product
(5) None of these

Q5. A brand is BEST defined as a -
(1) Registered design or symbol that is displayed on the product.
(2) Related group of words that describe the product. 
(3) Name, symbol, design or combination of these that identifies a seller’s product. 
(4) Copyrighted word(s) that give the manu facturer exclusive ownership.
(5) Name of the manufacturer of the product. 

Q6. One distinguishing factor between a brand name and a brand is that a brand Name.
(1) Creates customer loyalty 
(2) Consists of word 
(3) Identifies only one item in the product mix
(4) Implies an organization’s Name 
(5) None of these

Q7. When a firm uses one of its existing brand name as part of a brand name for an improved or new product, the branding is called________
(1) Individual branding 
(2) Over all family branding 
(3) Line family branding 
(4) Brand extension branding 
(5) None of these

Q8. A carton of orange juice has no brand name and on the package only the name of the product ‘ Orange Juice’ is written. This is an example of -
(1) a manufacturer’s brand 
(2) an own label brand
(3) a no frills brand 
(4) a generic brand 
(5) None of these

Q9. When __________ branding is used, all of a firm’s products are branded with the same name or at least part of the name -
(1) Individual 
(2) Trademark
(3) Family 
(4) Selective
(5) Extension

Q10. Labeling is important for three reasons- promotional and legal reasons. What is the third reason?
(1) Marketing 
(2) Branding
(3) Strategic 
(4) Informational 
(5) None of these      

Q11. Labeling is important for informational, legal & - reasons - 
(1) Marketing 
(2) Branding
(3) Strategic 
(4) Promotional 
(5) None of these

Q12. The label an a soft drink can reads “ cool and reforesting for what reason are these words used? 
(1) To provide information 
(2) To encourage multiple purchases 
(3) To promote the product 
(4) To satisfy legal requirements 
(5) None of these

Q13. Multiple packaging is -
(1) Likely to increase demand 
(2) The same as family packaging 
(3) The most effective type of packaging 
(4) The most expensive
(5) None of these

Q14. Marketers should view packaging as a major strategic tool, especially for -
(1) Consumer Convenience products 
(2) Industrial products
(3) Consumer Shopping products 
(4) Specialty products 
(5) None of these

Q15. The first step in selling process-
(1) Pre-approach 
(2) approaching the customer 
(3) Making the presentations 
(4) Prospecting
(5) None of these

Q16. Before Contacting acceptable prospects, a salesperson for an industrial cleaning equipment company analyzes information about the prospects, product need, feeling about brands, and personal characteristics. This process is called - 
(1) Prospecting 
(2) pre approach 
(3) approach 
(4) making the presentation 
(5) Preparing

Q17. Which of the following is most likely to stimulate customer loyalty -
(1) Coupons 
(2) Sweepstakes 
(3) Frequent user incentives 
(4) Premiums 
(5) Samples

Q18. A good definition of ________ would be that it consists of direct connections with care fully targeted individual consumers to both obtain an immediate response and cultivate lasting customer relationships-
(1) advertising 
(2) direct marketing 
(3) sales promotion 
(4) public relations 
(5) None of these

Q19. Personal selling tries to achieve three general goals finding prospects, convincing prospects to buy and - 
(1) Monitoring new products being developed
(2) Being aware of competitors sales activities 
(3) Avoiding repeat sales 
(4) Keeping customer satisfied
(5) None of these

Q20. "Pure Banking Nothing Else" - Advertisement title belongs to which Bank ?
(1) Allahabad Bank
(2) State Bank of India
(3) Canara Bank
(4) Union Bank
(5) Indian Overseas Bank

1. (5)       11. (4)
2. (5)       12. (3)
3. (1)       13. (2)
4. (3)       14. (1)
5. (3)       15. (4)
6. (2)       16. (5)
7. (4)       17. (3)
8. (4)       18. (2)
9. (3)       19. (4)
10. (4)        20. (2)

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