Mukul Rohatgi appointed New Attorney-General of India

1.    Mukul Rohatgi appointed New Attorney-General of India
i. Mr. Rohatgi, who will take over from G.E. Vahanvati as the 14th AG of the country.
ii. The eminent Supreme Court lawyer said that he has been offered the office of the top law officer in the government and he has given his consent to it.

iii. A sought-after corporate lawyer, Rohatgi had represented Anil Ambani in the apex court in the gas dispute case between the Ambani brothers.
iv. He has also been representing the Italian embassy in the apex court in a case relating to two Italian marines involved in killing two fishermen off the Kerala coast in 2012.
v. Besides some of these illustrative high-profile cases handled by him, Rohatgi has been appearing on behalf of big corporates in the 2G scam trial.

2.    Nripendra  Misra appointed Principal Secretary to PM
i. Nripendra Misra, former TRAI Chairman, appointed Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister with effect from on Wednesday.
ii. Nripendra Mishra has had a distinguished career as bureaucrat. He has a reputation of top call efficiency and honesty. 
iii. Mishra held several top positions in UP and Centre including Principal Secretary to Chief Minister , UNION telecom Secretary and Chairman of Telecom Regulatory Authority, TRAI. 
 Mishra was Principal Secretary to UP Chief Minister Kalyan Singh . 
ivIn his stint at the centre , Mishra was Chairperson of TRAI between 2006 and 2009. This was the time when controversial 2 G licenses were given by the then telecom Minister A Raja. 
v. A move which became cause of major embarassment to the UPA government of Dr Manmohan Singh. 
vi. It was Nripendra Mishra, who as TRAI chief raised several important points that could have made the process of spectrum allocation more transparent. But his recommendations were not adhered to during the allocation. 
vii. As Principal Secretary to PM Mishra, is expected to wield tremendous influence in fast tracking projects close the heart of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. 

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